x-dream-fabrik -- end-to-end solution 

x-dream-Fabrik is a pre-integrated and pre-configured end-to-end solution built to run on-premises, in public or private clouds or hybrid. It’s a ready-to-go platform with clear licensing models for post production and production, content sales and distribution, as well as archiving. It consists of different modules which can be combined or used separately.

XDF Diagram
Chained Process


conditional workflows to drive transcoding, QC & more



distributed & collaborative post-production

File Exchange


bi-directional media exchange

File Exchange


content publishing on social media & channels



hybrid but integrated asset management 



essence + metadata aggregation & delivery



content scheduling and stream encoding



research, editorial processes, story writing & publishing

X-DREAM-FABRIK Product Network Diagram

XDF Product Network Diagram

Unique User Interface

x-dream-Fabrik’s user interface brings all functionality into one view and adapts to each user’s role(s), permissions and tasks, presenting only relevant panels and interactions. By offering customizable workspaces and intuitive drag-and-drop features, it minimizes the need for action buttons, ensuring a streamlined, efficient, and pleasant experience tailored to individual user needs.

Innovative Architecture

x-dream-Fabrik’s architecture is unique due to its reliance on an Enterprise Service Bus and microservices, offering out-of-the-box scalability, redundancy, and flexibility. It allows easy configuration of distributed or cloud hybrid systems, support graphical workflow editor and integrates seamlessly with third-party tools. It’s a non-monolithic solution consisting from autonomous modules each with individual front-end, scripts, workflow and back-end services. This ensures tailored, efficient business processes without extensive development.

Innovative Data Structures

x-dream-Fabrik’s data structures are uniquely designed by storing metadata as JSON within a traditional SQL database, enabling seamless integration and migration. This approach allows existing MAM data to be imported without conversion, offers flexible search capabilities via Elastic Search, and supports complex asset structures. The MAM asset structure allows any number of container layers (by default, the usual 3 layers for series, seasons and episodes are configured). The system’s format-agnostic  nature (of video, audio, picture and subtitle) and AI integration enhance its versatility for diverse media projects.

Flexible Configuration

x-dream-Fabrik offers unparalleled flexibility in configuration, empowering customers to tailor the system to their precise needs. Users can customize interface layouts, labels, and metadata structures, enabling multilingual and role-based access. Workflows and job monitoring can be reconfigured to align with specific processes and team structures, ensuring that the platform adapts seamlessly to any operational requirements.

x-dream-Fabrik customers

The platform addresses service providers along the complete media value creation chain like:

  • studio production facilities
  • post-production facilities
  • broadcasters
  • archives
  • agencies
  • publishers

 x-dream-Fabrik business cases

x-dream-Fabrik is focused on the following segments of the media creation and monetization chain:

  • audio/video/subtitle processing
  • news gathering & production
  • distributed post-production
  • asset management
  • content supply chain
  • content playout & publishing

business processes targeted by x-dream-Fabrik

In contrast to existing SaaS offerings, the x-dream-Fabrik is not limiting the customers to carry out one or a few media processing operations BUT strives for providing an end-2-end experience in managing business processes as the ultimate goal. The term business process shall be understood as an economical value creation chain and not as a technical process only. This means x-dream-Fabrik is perspectival not limited to media processing and managing.

x-dream-Fabrik service layers

x-dream-Fabrik provides the following service layers:

  • The base layer provides video, audio, subtitle, picture essence file, metadata, and other document file processing.
  • Above the base layer, the integration and workflow automation layer implements technical media handling processing chains or even end-2-end processes.
  • The integration and workflow automation layer again are overlaid by the media asset management layer. It addresses the needs of operational staff in generating, utilizing and monetizing media assets.
  • The business process management layer can sit on top of the media asset management layer. It targets the needs of media business management staff in creating and monetizing media assets.

x-dream-Fabrik specifications

The x-dream-Fabrik offers the following services:

Processing layer

  • Recording
  • Transcription
  • Translation
  • Transcoding
  • Quality Control
  • Publishing
  • Playout

Workflow layer

  • Orchestration
  • Automation
  • Monitoring

Media Asset Management layer

  • Remote Upload
  • Remote Ingest
  • Remote Editing
  • File Exchange
  • Picture Picking
  • Metadata Editing
  • Review &Approval

Business layer

  • Planning
  • Scheduling
  • Workorder
  • Reporting

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